平行进口车城市北京 天津 大连 青岛 昆明


汽车江湖网      2023-10-14 10:47:23      小编体验


1. Protect your eyes, they are your window to the world. (保护你的眼睛,它们是你看世界的窗户。)

2. Don't strain your eyes, take a break every hour. (不要过度用眼,每小时休息一下。)

3. Keep your eyes healthy, eat a balanced diet. (保持眼睛健康,均衡饮食。)

4. Wear protective eyewear when doing outdoor activities. (在户外活动时戴上防护眼镜。)


5. Avoid staring at screens for too long. (避免长时间盯着屏幕。)


6. Get regular eye exams to catch problems early. (定期检查眼睛,早发现问题。)

7. Remember to blink often to keep your eyes moisturized. (记得经常眨眼,保持眼睛湿润。)

8. Don't rub your eyes, it can cause damage. (不要揉眼睛,会造成损伤。)

9. Protect your eyes from the sun with UV-blocking sunglasses. (用防紫外线太阳镜保护眼睛。)

10. Keep your distance from screens and books to reduce eye strain. (保持与屏幕和书本的距离,减少眼部疲劳。)
